Welcome to our world of words! Since we will be unable to see most of you who will view our blog, you will have to put up with wordy chronicles and an occasional picture detailing the past, present, and future of the Juelfs' Family.
And so we begin...We settled into St. Louis about mid August. David, Sierra (our dog), and I moved in on Monday, August 15th, leaving little Wyatt with his Grandma from Ohio. We had three days to set up camp without the pitter patter of our son's hands and feet...well it would be more like the clank and clamor of Wyatt dumping our belongings all over the floors. We greatly appreciated this time. When Wyatt arrived on Thursday that week, we were all unpacked and completely ready for him and for us to be a family unit of three again (okay Sierra, a family unit of four)! Since David spent most of the summer in Virginia, it was and still is so refreshing to wake up next to him each morning with the dog at the foot of our bed and our little boy saying, "Dada, Dada!"
David has now been in class for two weeks and is loving it. It certainly is not without its own challenges, but he feels so blessed to be at Covenant and finally pursuing his Seminary Degree. This is truly a long awaited journey for all of us!
Please come back and check out our blog as often as you can. We will use this to update you on our Seminary experience as well as anything new going on in our lives and certainly what you can be praying for. Don't forget the comment feature is a great way for us to dialogue too. Just click comment and write. We'll check them often and look forward to writing back to you.
Oh, and by the way...once again we update you on our new contact info! At least we can say it should stay the same for three years!
Address: 8556 Gulf Dr.
St. Louis, MO 63130
Phone: 314-276-4625
juelfsfam@hotmail.comThanks for stopping by. Check back for more updates.