Well, sort of! We are just starting the Spring Semester this week and along with our ever recurring spring weather we have simply forgot it is still winter! David is in his second semester here at Covenant and thinks his classes just keep getting better. Wyatt and I are really enjoying the spring weather which allows for a lot of playtime with the neighbors. What could be better than being outside in the middle of January.
This semester will be full of work, study, playing, and all of the other joys of being a family with many roles (Dad, Mom, student, employee, etc.) We look forward to the ups and downs and hope God draws us near during the process.
Wyatt continues growing daily. He is busy learning to be a big boy. He is trying so very diligently to master the English language and while we only understand a small amount of what he says, you certainly can tell that he has many things on his mind and intends that we hear them all! (He must be his father's son!) Last week, he began reaching for our hands to pray with us at the dinner table. He enjoys it so much that he would really like to just pray through the entire dinner time. So now David and I have resorted to trading seats every other night so that each night we alternate who is able to have our right hand free to eat during the meal. This past Sunday at church during the benediction, Wyatt had another light bulb moment (and daddy had a tearful moment as a result). We had our hands outstretched as the pastor prayed the benediction and all of sudden Wyatt stretched out his hands too! It was so precious. These are just a few of the sweet little things we have been able to experience recently with him.
Please pray for us this semester. We have posted new requests at the bottom, right column on this web page and we will continue to update them regularly. Continue praying for my health and our family as we continue to try to expand it!
Lots of love,