Well, to our add to our excitement and a little bit of stress, the fall semester has begun. David is busily putting together his carpooling schedule which has turned out to be a little more like finding rides to and from school with little contribution on his part given our one car state of mind. Thankfully, there are wonderful people around willing to help out. He has also been working on a study guide for a book that one of his professors teaches from. He turned it in just a few days ago. Classes have been underway for about a week now and I think he really is happy with his schedule and classes.
On a family note, we have been overtaken by poison ivy. A few weeks ago, David retrieved a ball from the woods with Wyatt and contracted poison ivy. Probably a week later Wyatt developed a very peculiar skin rash that we thought might have been a bacterial infection. It turns out (several trips to the doctor later) that Wyatt is quite allergic to poison ivy. As young kids there bodies respond kind of differently. He hasn't itched at all...but pretty much looked like a leapor for weeks now. I think we've managed to get back on the road to recovery however. Keep us in your prayers...especially our health. I am working three days a week in the log cabin at Covenant with Wyatt which means high exposure to germs from young kids! We will certainly enjoy all of the play time...but I think I will be really ready to just be at home once the baby arrives.
Hopefully, this weekend we'll get some pictures from the summer and some current gulf drive pictures on the blog with an update from dad! The picture above is pre - leprosy stage on August 20, 2006...Wyatt's second birthday!