I had a lucky occurence today. No children showed up for our afternoon Log Cabin session, so I was able to come home early. Unfortunately Addie naps late at the log cabin, so she woke up just as we were coming home, while Wyatt was ready to go down just as we were leaving the cabin. I escaped the full blown falling asleep in the car by Wyatt, however, he relaxes just enough for a three year old to catch up on their rest. So as is with most Wednesdays he is playing in the dark in his room rather than really sleeping. Addie stayed up a little while longer, and like a truly selfish mom, I put her down in her crib "not tired" in an effort for some alone time. So I have two children in lock down playing in what I believe to be mildly safe environments for unattended children, but these are my children so who knows.
On a similar note, we've halted sleeping Wyatt and Addie in the same room because Wyatt has a strong and as he'd put it loving desire to care for his sister...translation Wyatt climbing in the crib with his sister. We've had one good night for one bad night, but we are a little freaked out by the climbing in the crib thing so we've stopped all room sharing for the moment.
Pause...I had to sip my hot chocolate which is turning in to an afternoon ritual for me.
I've been pondering this new fascination of mine because I am not much of a chocolate lover nor hot beverage consumer when I am the one who has to prepare it. I have concluded two things...I recently have begun feeling much less nauseous which is earlier than all my other pregnancies. It came on strong, but has subsided sooner (16 weeks) Yippee! After visiting the doctor and seeing that apparently something is different because I've gained nine pounds in two months, I am becoming much more aware of my eating all day long tendencies. So I am considering making up a lame excuse for my daily hot chocolate consumption so that I'll feel better about the impending pounds! (This really is all in jest because I am fully aware the human inside me is gaining weight too...I have just always been so sick that I lose weight until sixteen weeks and only then start gaining). Since I dream of a day where I can frequent Starbucks or my local coffee spot for a sweetened beverage made just for yours truly and prepared just for me to my liking and not with my own two hands...do you feel the justification coming on here...I've discovered an alternative that fits a little more seemlessly with the poor seminarian budget and is probably less in calories too. And there it is...I came up with a mildly reasonable excuse and feel better about myself already.
Next baby issue...if you can truly believe it...I am considering not finding out what we are having. We have a few weeks until the unltrasound and I am thinking this may be our most perfect scenario for a surprise. We have one boy and one girl so we have got all the loot we'll need for either gender. My most compelling thoughts are that we'll be moving six weeks after the baby is born so this may be the only time that I really don't care one bit about what the baby's room looks like either! David thinks I am nuts and will cave in a heartbeat which is potentially true. I've made no commitments. Right now I am podering the idea that I will have the ultrasound tech right down what we are having and we'll seal it in an envelope only to be touched by David's hands since I will ultimately sneak! That way if we both decide to change our minds we don't have to convince the doctor to find a reason for another ultrasound! So any thoughts???? My only reasons for finding out are pretty lame...
1.I have a girls name and no boys name...so finding out would either force us to figure out a boys name or make me give up on my fantasy girls name forever.
2.I am a planner so I am sure their is something I need to plan for that is gender specific...announcements, etc.
3.Wyatt wants to know...I guess this is cute but he doesn't even know we have a choice:)
So, please someone tell me what they think. I can't promise you'll convince me either way!
Finally...Happy Birthday Hilary! I know I'm a loser and haven't called yet...I guess that is good since you have laringitis! I hope the big 30 is all it's cracked up to be! We'll talk soon.