Two days ago our little Addie Grace said the most hilarious thing I've heard a two year old say. Of course, she didn't know it was funny, but we did. I'd love to be able to post something of our dear little daughter's whispered words about Jesus or God when no one is listening or how she explains the gospel according to a two year old to her little sister. I am sure those days will come as they have for her older brother, but for now this is the stuff we get. And please, no one be offended by our little moment!
I went to prepare the kids' room for their nap and found a toy screwdriver in Addie's bed. I just left it there and laughed picturing her working vigorously on repairing the dresser that sits so close to her bed. A minute later she came in and saw the screwdriver on her bed and looked at me and said, "Mommy, I been screwing in my bed!" Ahhh, just what every parent longs to hear from their daughter.