We are sorry that our Fall 2006 update is coming to you midway through the semester, but I guess that is how things go. We are once again really enjoying our time here at Covenant and continue to experience God's grace and mercy in our lives in many new ways.
Our summer was busy but quite an experience. From week long power outages to traveling to California for six weeks...we really didn't have much down time. I took a new job this summer. As much as the coffee shop was a wonderful place to work and meet a variety of people to engage with, I decided a job that allowed me to be home in the evenings with Heather and Wyatt was the best fit. I work on campus in the Development Department working on donor relations. The job is a great fit and will hopefully be the best suited for when the baby comes. I really only worked a few weeks this summer before I was headed off to California for my internship with Harbor Presbyterian Church.
My experience at Harbor was invaluable. I was given the chance to basically follow really great leaders of a church planting movement and listen to their vision, learn from their wisdom, and offer and extra support and help when needed. I couldn't have asked for a better way to spend the summer except for the few weeks I had to spend apart from my family. If you would like to see more about Harbor Presbyterian Church, check out their website at
This semester I am taking some great classes and continue to grow from the great wisdom and knowledge of the professors here. I already feel like I am swimming in a pool of things to do that won't be finished by the time our daughter is born, so keep me in your prayers. She is due November 21st and I hope that I will be able to finish a lot of work before then.
Heather is doing well and anxiously awaiting the birth of our little girl. She is hoping for a Wyatt-like arrival (two weeks early)! Keep her in your prayers as she recovers from a fall down the basement stairs. Nothing happened to the baby, but she has a sprained ankle as a result. These last few weeks of pregnancy with a sprained ankle have been rough.
On a lighter note, a great friend of mine from Covenant and I will be traveling to Chicago this coming weekend to run the Chicago Marathon. We have been training since last spring and are very eager to enjoy the race!
Be sure to scroll down to read some of our more recent fall experiences. There are some fun pics of Wyatt from the summer and the fall. We will surely be updating you withing the next month or so when the baby comes! Until then, thank you again for your prayers and continued support during this great journey. We want it, we need it, and we are so grateful for it!
God Bless,