This is Wyatt's third Halloween. It's hard to believe. The first one I vividly recall the onesie t-shirt with a pumpkin on it that he pooped through. It was a doozy! Last year Wyatt a dressed as a monkey to attend his neighbors party. We barely made it through the door and he pooped, so I had to take the whole costume off to change his diaper and try all over again! This year, thankfully, no poop. We had a very bad nap day, so we went trick or treating at 5pm. Wyatt once again was a monkey this year. He has entered his shy stage with strangers, so he wouldn't even say trick or treat. However, we did manage to get a thank you to all of our fun friends who passed out candy. We were home and in bed by 7pm. At least Wyatt was. I am on my way to try running a marathon or something to get the baby out of me!
I guess the marathon didn't work...but maybe some progress. We're all getting anxious around here. I keep my phone by my bed at night in case you need to call!
I love that first picture. It looks like Curious George, Woody, Buzz and the pink princess are all up to something. Planning tricks, huh? Good thing they got lots of treats.
I will be delighted when I finally get to make that call to you in spite of as bad as I will feel for dumping a fourth child into your hands. Thanks for letting us play yesterday. Wyatt had a great time.
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