Thursday, November 02, 2006

Seems like Forever

We are getting a lot of practice on patience and waiting around here. The baby is due in two and a have weeks, but somehow I seem to think she is coming earlier. Wyatt was born 14 days early, so it seems that I have convinced myself that she can't be born on or after her due date. Probably a bad idea to think so positively, but what is one to do in these last days? I have now been dialated to 3cm for ten days and am 50% effaced. Conditions really don't get a tremendous amount more primed for a baby to be born...but just not ours! Each day I wake up I seem to get more things done in preparation for her arrival. Of coarse, the general prep is done. If she came today, we have our plan for Wyatt and all the baby stuff together. I even have a bag pretty well packed this time. The neighbors are waiting for our call to take Wyatt and his bag is packed too. We are all ready. Everyone but the main attraction apparently.

I've been telling myself as I accomplish a task that I thought I'd get around to after the baby was born that God just must have been giving me this one extra day to make things even less stressful than they could be. But how much laundry can be done? How many times do the sheets need washing?

And, the question David really wants answered is how many more desserts will he be forced to exercise self control in before this baby pops out. The poor man can only take so much. I know it sounds wierd for a man to not want dessert but I have tortured him too much over the years. I'm the baker and he's the eater. By the time I'm done baking, I don't want to eat. But David hates turning away anything sweet and hot out of the oven.

I am at the point where I can't find many other things to prepare before she comes. So I suppose I need to just sit back and wait. And all who know me know that this is probably the hardest thing for me to do. As a young child, I couldn't wait to eat our new food from the grocery store until we got home. I had to try something in the car on the way home. To this day as an adult, I still have to try something on the way home. Patience is not my virtue. I suppose God decided that after 28 years of impatience, it is time for me to learn!

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