Wyatt loves to play with "the kids" as he calls our young neighbor friends. As fall/winter temperatures arrive and the weather is chillier, I have fallen victim to wanting to stay in my warm cozy house all day long. Fine for me, boring for a kid. So on the occasion that I can't muster up the desire to get outside, Wyatt relies solely on his best friend "dog, dog" to be his playmate. I'll open up the back porch slider and he and Sierra will play outside. Sierra lasts about as long as any good dog would put up with torturing from a two year old. However, when she's ready to come in we end up with a very lonely boy. Wyatt will follow her around the house and order her to come outside again, "dog, dog sit outside...dog, dog sit outside!" They seem to have developed quite the love-hate relationship.
Yesterday, it seems I got roped in to a trip outside in 45 degree weather. Here are a few pictures from our adventures in the leaves.
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