Saturday, November 04, 2006

Joys of a Summer Baby

Now I know the title of this entry seems a little contradictary for all who have had a summer birth. However, after having a summer birth already and now being 38 weeks pregnant in November, I am beginning to think heat isn't such a bad thing. For starters, you don't have to wear a lot of clothes. It seems that even though it is fall, I am burning up at any given point during the day unless I go outside in which case I am then freezing! Second, in your state of hugeness those maternity sweaters and such items that can keep you warm look awful regardless of how much weight you've gained. Finally, the biggest benefit to a summer baby...flip flops. Who knew that socks and shoes would be my arch enemy. I really don't think I can reach my feet without much pain on a good day, but then on those dreaded days of afternoon heartburn bending over becomes...well, let's just say impossible!

1 comment:

Hilary said...

Well, maybe the wait is over. We'll be waiting for your call! We can't wait!