It is not as if I have given up on blogging, but I have spent three blogging years in a quandry. Finally, I have found a solution. As a former scapbooker turned blogger, the guilt over logging our family history on the internet with no hard copy to look through on our own (and certainly nothing to share with the non technoligically savvy grandparents) was driving me crazy! I wanted each of the kids to have a scrapbook, but where do I draw the line? I was pleasantly blogging our family memories and troubled by my efforts wondering where our family memories would be in thirty years. David, the computer backup Nazi, would often remind me of this question. So, here is the perfect solution! (Thanks Jen and Dan! I can't wait to make our book of the Seminary Years!)
Turn your blog into a book! At http://www.blurb.com/, you can take all of those long hours of memory making on the web into a book! I've yet to make ours seeing as though we have three days until graduation and seven until the move. Then, our Seminary Years will be complete and I will be ready to turn this chapter of our lives into a book!
Gone are the days of scrapbooking and guilt over incomplete projects! Well, I will still make a scrapbook for each kid, but that's where I draw the line! I know some of you scrapbooking fans think the creativity and personal touch will be lost, but I think this is the perfect merging of two hobbies giving me a new reason to keep the blog going!