So yesterday pretty much sucked. Lila has thrush and pleasantly has passed it along to me. We have both been treating it for almost ten days and there seems to be no change. I have been reading that most people have to try several different medications to find the right one for them...not so encouraging considering two weeks until the move, insurance changes and finding new doctors! David came home just a few minutes before I had to leave for the Senior Wive's Dessert (worthy of its own post, but probably won't get one) and I was pretty much completely overwhelmed and depressed. So he gave me my birthday present two days early! He bought me a pink ipod nano engraved on the back "far above jewels Proverbs 31:10 HJJ the treasure of my heart." He chose pink so it would be completely mine and he'd have no temptation to borrow it! Quite thoughtful considering very few things are just mine at this stage in life. So here's to the beginning of the birthday celebration...30, finals,graduation, and moving. Let the party begin.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! And what a great gift! I agree, the dessert deserves a post...were we Gulf Drive snob or what? I mean, I guess we have really just been that far out of the loop. The best part was matching with the professors - oh my, oh my - is that what we have to look forward to 20 years from now? So indistinguishable and hilarious!
Happy Birthday, my friend! I hope today beat out two days ago. I love the cute little pink ipod...just a little jealous here. Enjoy it for me! I can't believe the move is in two weeks...crazy how time flies. I'll pray that the thrush clears up quickly...I had it with all of mine and it is miserable...you may remember my case with Will. Okay, and as a former Gulf Drive snob, I think the Dessert deserves a post...I'm so curious to hear. Have a great Birthday! Miss you!
Yes, please: I would love to read the dessert post.
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