Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Man

Yesterday, David stayed home with the kids for the morning so I could have some "alone time". It's a funny concept. We had been in a habit of trying to get me out of the house for a few hours a week away from the kids so I could recoup a bit. We just fell out of the habit and a few months down the road I started to begin feeling a little cookoo. I can't describe it very well but it dawned on me on Sunday morning before we left for church that I had this frantic feeling of just needing five minutes without hearing a request from someone. Ha ha ha. So we put it back on the calendar and what do you know...it was wonderful and refreshing. I came home and David had done the dishes and folded and put away three loads of laundry! I was never unsure before this point but wow...this man's a keeper!

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