Wyatt is now 5. We barely celebrated his birthday in August because I was feeling so sick. i thought about a belated birthday party, but you know by the time I was feeling better it was a few weeks away from Addie's 3rd birthday so nothing ever happened. The sweet little guy may be our biggest party goer and he got no party! My family really helped out and ended up coming to our house to celebrate on the day of, but he also had a few individual celebrations with my aunt and my sister and her husband. I think he didn't mind because he felt like he had about two private parties with special alone time to celebrate. As it turns out, I can't find one picture from his fifth birthday! I am now pretty certain that my parents must have been taking pictures on their camera so I just passed, but I'm crossing my fingers until I locate some!
Only one week later, Wyatt started kindergarten. (pictures above are from the first day of school...and no I didn't send him with a stained shirt...just water!) We are sending him to a charter school that meets two full days a week and I home school the other three days of the week. It is going really well and Wyatt absolutely adores his teacher Mrs. Garrett and loves school. He is a young kindergartner, so we really are using this year as a trial to see how well he does academically and socially and we'll decide in the spring what we'll do next year. We do like to the home school 3 days a week, away 2 days a week program but I am strongly considering my options with #4 on the way. I know my limits and this may be one of them! So far, Wyatt is probably most excited about his math program and the calendar, but he is doing really well with his letters and reading short books too! Each day is full of adventure and I'm hoping it continues to go smoothly.