By late October, I started feeling a whole lot better just in time to find out we are having another girl! Kind of scary how many girls will be in this house now. Even I am intimidated!
We've been in the usual crazy, busy fall season at the church which many of you pastor's wives can appreciate. We've vacationed, celebrated two birthdays, the start of kindergarten, and halloween all undocumented! I intend to post more photos tomorrow and return to more avid blogging which we all know might be an empty promise with the coming of the fourth child, but a girl can dream can't she! For now, enjoy a glimpse of our vacation to Santa Cruz, CA.
I have also since taken possession of the Juelfs' personal mac which should make my uploading of photos and managing the photo library one task instead of three. This just may actually mean I will blog and post photos, but again no one get your hopes up!
The kids are doing great. They are crazy as ever and certainly one can say may be causing me to be more crazy than ever, but we wouldn't trade it for anything!
miss you
good to see you back! and don't worry, we won't have too high expectations for the blog! congrats on #4...ami let me know a while back and we're so happy for you!
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