Thursday, February 01, 2007

Six quirky things...

I have been tagged. Hilary tagged me with "six quirky things" so here is my reply. Enjoy my wierdness!

1. I vacuum our living areas (kitchen and family room) about four times a day. We have a dog, as most people know, and she is a shedder. Her hair is everywhere and I prefer it not be. So, to make my life easier and to not constantly feel dirty, I have a little cordless floor sweeper that I just whip out a few times a day and do a quick sweep of the floors. I know it sounds a little neurotic, but considering most of my day is spent on the floor, it makes me feel a lot better!

2. As if my obsession with vacuuming doesn’t speak volumes, here is yet another confession. I am a very particular person. Not about all things, but most. I like everything in its proper place (which sometimes involves a junk drawer or junk pile). It also just so happens that I have passed my quirky particularity to my son. One night while walking out of his room before bed, I saw that his closet door was open and I was about to reach over and shut it. Before I even got my hand out, Wyatt said, “mommy, shut the door please.” This morning Wyatt pulled out his underwear to put it on and shut the dresser drawer. Some underwear were sticking out and he opened the door again to shove them back in and shut the drawer again. Poor kid…he’s got all the quirkiness of his parents.

3. I have to shower in the morning. If I don’t take a shower in the a.m., I have a miserable day. It never fails. Whenever I try to just get going without a shower, it never fails that I am grumpy midday.

4. I have a very heightened sense of smell even when I am not pregnant. I smell everything! As most pregnant people will attest to, things just smell weird and different when pregnant. For me, I can smell things a mile away. I also have a surefire way of knowing I am pregnant before any test will tell. David actually has a scent when I am pregnant that I cannot stand to be around. He doesn’t really smell, but the way my nose sees it (or should I say smells it) he does. No one else would pick up this scent. We just call it my pregnancy scent!

5. I rarely can sit through a movie. It never fails that when we rent a movie I fall asleep. It is not out of disinterest, but I just can’t seem to stay awake!

6. I love animals. I am overwhelmed with sadness when I see a lost animal or an animal that died. For a brief moment I want to adopt any homeless animal we come by. It might seem odd considering my vacuuming dilema. Perhaps it stems from my secret desire to be a zoologist or oceanagrapher.

So, now my turn to tag.'re it. Look for my hubbie's oddities coming soon!

1 comment:

Hilary said...

Thanks, that was fun. I didn't know about 5 & 6 and don't worry, my kiddos have picked up on my need for everything to be in its place too. Those 3 boys can be neurotic together, I guess.