Things have been busy this time of year. Especially busy. David and I flew to New York for our friend Amie's memorial service. We have some friends who live in Brooklyn, so with only a few days notice, we were somehow able to pull the trip together. We took Lila and our friends were so gracious to host us for a few nights. We were really glad that we could support our dear friend Paul and realized that without having gone it would be so easy to not really grasp the reality of Amie's death. It is so very sad.
With the weekend behind us, I must say my thoughts have wandered to what a paradox this trip was. While the purpose of it was to mourn the loss of our friend, we also were in New York City, so we certainly wanted to see a few sights. We were able to sneak about six hours of touring in. We walked the Brooklyn Bridge, saw Ground Zero, rode the Staten Island Ferry, and even snuck in a date to a fun restaraunt in Brooklyn without Lila. We had such a fabulous time. As I have thought about this weekend, i am still struck by the paradox of what our weekend was like and what our friends' was like. David and I enjoyed a great bonding time with our little baby who toured with us, soaked up the city, and enjoyed a little alone time! Meanwhile, Paul and Amie lost their little girl and Paul eventually lost Amie too within just a few short months! Our joy, their pain. I must say no one is without their own pains; we too have had our own trials. It just happens that this is one of those times in life when someone else's pain is so very real and somehow intertwined in our lives just enough to really hurt and show such profound differences.
We grieve for our friend and hurt for Paul's loss. We take heart in Christ's return as He will make ALL things right again!