Wednesday, November 12, 2008
A New Lawyer in Town
Today, I couldn't get this annoying veggie tales song out of my mind. We learned it from a Veggie Tales book. It goes something like this...God is bigger than the boogie man, he's bigger than godzilla and the monsters on tv, God is bigger than the boogie man and he's watching out for you and me. So, apparently I was saying that God was bigger than the monsters on the wall when in fact the song says monsters on tv. Wyatt corrected me early on in the day and his cause was only reinforced by Addie chiming in the tune in the background. When David came home for dinner I began to tell him about the kids correcting me when Addie jumped down from the table and retrieved the book only to cite some evidence proving mommy was wrong and she was right! Are two year olds allowed to do this?
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Dental Drama

We all went to the dentist last week. It took us three different days to get the whole family checkups. David and I love to go to the dentist and Wyatt and Addie were a mystery until now! Wyatt loved the dentist and seems to be heeding some very important advice. He suggested that Wyatt kick the thumbsucking. Really I told the dentist earlier in the week to bring it up and suggest we kick the habbit. Anyway, the advice seems to be working. Wyatt is two days in to giving up his thumb and blanket! Addie Grace on the other hand wouldn't sit in the chair or open her lips one bit!
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Halloween Preview
Addie Grace Turns Two!
Happy Birthday dear little girl! Two years ago we brought this little girl home and she has forvever changed our lives. She has so much exuberance for life and has so made our house a new and better place.
We had her birthday party this past Saturday and the pictures are from that celebration! She wanted a Tinkerbell party and it was a hit. The cake was so fun to make and the look of excitement when she saw this and realized it was just for her was truly priceless! She also got some Tinkerbell wings and slippers. I was totally surprised but she wore them for her entire party. She was a precious sight!
Happy Birthday little one.
The Potty Princess
Last week I started potty training Addie. She was so ready and we ran out of our last diaper on Monday. I had all of my supplies ready and was pretty excited to see how things would go. Notice the pink potty! Addie picked out her pink potty and carried it walking by herself all the way to the checkout at Ikea. If you have ever been to ikea you know that is practically a mile, so needless to say she was pretty excited about the process. We initially had a lot of success and quite a few accidents too. By Thursday however, the light clicked and we have been accident free since then! I have been pretty shocked about the whole process considering she doesn't even turn two until tomorrow. Frankly, I guess I may seem glass half empty but I am starting to think Lila won't be potty trained until she's five because I have had two such easy potty trainers! I figure one of them has got to give me trouble. Yeah Addie! You are so brave to use the BIG POTTY!
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