Today was Addie's first field trip of the year. We headed out to the pumpkin patch for what was supposed to be some fun, but I felt kind of doomed from the start. I woke up to put the girls clothes in the drier so we could have some dry jeans for the patch and discovered that a diaper had been put in the wash. No, we are not going green in this department. We use the regular old disposables which posed a big problem when the diaper absorbed so much liquid and then hit the spin cycle. The inside of the diaper exploded and spread all over our clothes. Jeans not going to be dry or clean for that matter. We moved on to getting shirts on. Addie has a school shirt about three sizes too big for field trips. She began screaming and running away from me throughout the house not wanting to put it on...I won as all mothers will do eventually.
We finally made it out of the house, Addie, Lila and myself directions in hand. I of course have my great gadget savvy i phone where I should have just inserted the address and trusted upon the technology to get me there. Not the case. I decide to save 30 seconds and just follow the paper written instructions from the school. Bad idea. The directions have the correct address, but the line by line directions sent me a mile in the wrong direction ending in a gated apartment complex. By the time we arrive, I'm running out of steam.
The bright side...Addie loved it and at this rate we are looking for every positive school experience we can take:) The down side...see Lila's picture...that about sums up her experience. We left before snack time ever happened. Note to self...rethink Lila going to preschool next year! On second thought...start her now so i don't have to witness as many screaming episodes??? Just kidding, she is a joy even when she's difficult!
Anyway, I returned home and am headed to the church women's retreat sans kids tonight. I think I may skip dinner, speaker and socializing for the pillow. Would anyone notice if the pastor's wife was a no show. I'm thinking probably not.
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