Friday, June 09, 2006

Wyatt's First Movie

We took Wyatt to see the movie CARS today. We really had no expectations as far as how long he might actually last in the theatre but we thought it would be fun no matter what. After about 20 minutes of previews, Daddy and Mommy wanted the movie to start more than Wyatt. He actually didn't care at all and was simply enjoying the experience, but we knew he probably couldn't last two hours worth. He really loved the first part of the movie which had a pretty intense racing scene. He was truly precious sitting on Dad's lap eating popcorn and drinking milk. About thirty or forty minutes in to the movie itself he got down and was dancing with some of the music in the movie. He then took the empty popcorn bag and pulled the entire thing over his head and started walking up and down the isle. It was completely entertaining. We officially made it through about half of the show and then enjoyed a little stroll around the mall. It was a great day. Thanks to the strict rules with regard to bringing cameras into theatres, we only took a few pictures outside the theatre. I wish you all could have enjoyed the popcorn bag mummy as much as us!

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