Here is our little darling at four months. Dare I say there is a trace of her mother in the first picture??? She seems for the most part to have passed through the colic phase and seems to be overall enjoying life a lot. She loves Wyatt and any attention he is willing to give her. She is quite vocal (did anyone think she wouldn't be???) We are really enjoying and loving this precious gift of life!
And so, no we are not having another one right now. The "and so" is our funny new Wyattism. The other day while talking Wyatt started connecting ideas together with the words and so. It is quite funny to listen to. He will babble on and on and on and then take a long pause and say "and so" and then just continue in on another rant about any number of things!
For example, he told David on the phone tonight..." I play with Jack and Jeb. I make long train. Jeb took my train...and so, I got spanking." And so, mommy seems to think he left out the most important turn of events in the string where he through a fit when his friend messed up his train which led to the spanking, but it is quite funny to see him connect all these ideas together!
1 comment:
The nose is all you Heath. If you click on the photo so it's enlarged, you see two little dots at the top of Addie's nose near her right eye exactly like her mother. That's about it other than the spit curl which is definitely adorable. Who couldn't love that kid even if she did have reflux! We can't wait to meet you in person sweet pea.
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