So here they are. While toys seem to be the grandparent's signiature gift, books have become our preference. We bought these two books out of a series for Wyatt, and then my favorite, a new bible. Now most of you now how I am a big fan of the "Big Picture Story Bible" but since we can now read through this in about 40 minutes from cover to cover if we are focused, I decided to hunt down something similar in emphasis (gospel, redemption, etc.) but for an older audience. Last year I stumbled upon this at Easter time and had to get it! I knew Wyatt was not quite old enough, so I held off for Christmas. We gave it to him just the other day so we could begin using it and I think David and I might like it even more than him for the time being. He of course is very excited, but seriously I am finding more and more adults interested in it. We had some friends babysit for us last night and upon returning home, we spent almost an hour looking at just the intricacy of the illustrations! The content is fabulous too. So if you're still looking for some gifts for young children, these are our recommendations!
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