Oh, did I say that! I meant to say flying solo. David is on a trip to California so I've been parenting solo for what seem to be the coldest days of winter yet. Perfect timing, right? And what else would make for great timing, colds, of coarse! Apparently this seems to be the prerequesite for having daddy out of town...crankiest conditions posssible.
I must say things aren't exactly how I would have planned them. Oh wait, I did plan them and nothing seems to be working out according to my plans. I had hopes of going to the YMCA several days to work out (free child care!). But our runny noses prevented pretty much my only means to five minutes of freedom over the last few days. Today, I finally decided we would go to Target just to get some fresh air. Addie decided to boycott her morning nap ( why do I have the child that sleeps less when sick?) so it was a bit of a risk but we took it anyway. I decided to stop by the bank to deposit a much needed check and wouldn't you know...the bank is closed. I apparently wasn't the only reject who didn't connect Martin Luther King Day with the bank closing because there were several cars turning around just like me! So away we went to finish our errands which in fact turned out to be just fine.
One more day and counting until daddy's return. We are all excited. I scheduled my Christmas Gift Prenatal Massage for Thursday, yippee. David is going to take Wyatt to see the Veggie Tales Pirate movie Wednesday or Thursday and Addie will probably just express her excitement with endless hugs. She is so affectionate! And in case you were wondering, I look exactly like this cartoon! Just kidding. You might have to take some from the top and add it to my baby belly.
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