It seems that our parents are becoming hip youngsters in 2006. David was able to get a laptop for school this summer thanks to a generous supporter. He bought a mac. He has been a fan for a while and had some great experiences with it at the last church where he worked. We never owned one personally but knew that we would by one for our next computer which just so happened to be this summer. We are forever greatful. The even better news is that we have somehow turned our parents on to macs as well. It certainly helps to have grandchildren to persuade them of these things too. The laptop we bought has the capability to video chat...basically meaning we see and talk to each other live on the computer. Now of coarse no one really cared to video chat with just David and me, but they sure want to see Wyatt and lest we forget Sierra too.
David's mom and Bob bought one a month or so ago. Wyatt has seemingly lost all interest in talking to Grandma and Papa, Patch or Kev on the phone. He now says he wants to talk to them on the "puter". So, the family gets to see Wyatt in action which has been a tremendous amount of fun...and of coarse, not so fun for me, as I am constantly asked by all to give a glorious pregnant profile (maybe fun at twenty weeks...not 38). So, my parents have also purchased a mac laptop, and we too are video chatting. Meemaw, Papa, Teetee, Buncle, Mama Flo, and Papa Rudy all got to chat with us this weekend. Technology doesn't come without its glitches though. We seemed to have a little trouble last night connecting with Meemaw and Papa and Teetee, but we'll get it worked out soon.
Now the best part of all, Grandma and Papa from Ohio and Meemaw and Papa in California (all paying for these fine machines)...I hate to burst your bubble but Wyatt seems only to think, ask for, or talk about his one very short interaction video chatting with Teetee (who doesn't own and hasn't payed anything torwards a computer)! Somehow, in Wyatt's eyes, Teetee can't be beat when it comes to family! At times, even I, the one who gave birth to him, can run a distant second.
We love to see and talk to you all!