Saturday, January 27, 2007

Premature Excitement

Well, I think it may be time to let you in on a secret. I've been holding back for days now out of premature excitement potentially turning to unmet expectations. As we all know how one feels when expectations aren't met leaving that overwhelming feeling of frustration and failure, you will quickly understand my hesitation in sharing!

So, here it is. I think we may have reached a breakthrough week with Addie. She slept for seven consecutive hours at night without feeding this week. She has now been sleeping a total of twelve hours at night from 7:30 to 7:30 (with a few feedings) for two weeks, and significant daytime sleep changes have happened! Yeah.

I pray my talking about this doesn't change anything. It is not as if I am a superstitious person at all, but boy it seems like just when I talk about anything regarding Addie...she proves me wrong!

So, to prove my confidence I will elaborate. This week Addie has settled into a four nap a day schedule. She eats about every three hours and takes naps from around one hour to two and half hours each (not without fussing in the middle of course...but any length beyond twenty minutes is progress!) It even seems the vaccuum may be running less in our house, specifically in Addie's room! I'm sure the neighbors next door rejoice in that celebration.

With all these changes come an even happier baby. And as always, a happier baby produces a much happier family!

Now, on a final note, when any of you hear me get disappointed any time soon...tell me to take a step back and relax. One thing I've learned about parenting is that for every two steps forward come about three steps back, and this is all part of the process. It is okay to have the three steps back and my world shouldn't fall apart!

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