Friday, January 05, 2007

It wasn't a fluke...

Please don't think my frequent blogging was just another temporary occurance. It wasn't a fluke and I promise I am back. We have been with family in town and out. We had my parents in for Christmas and we went to Ohio for New Year's. We've had two weeks of fun and now we are finally home and hopefully off to a bit more consistency with our life. In fact the few days we've been home already, I seem to be noticing Addie might (let's not get too hopeful!) be settling into a routine and sleeping better during the day and night! Wyatt has turned a new leaf of taking off his diaper and showing me his "poops and pee". I asked if he wanted big boy underwear and he said, "Yes, I want Mater, McQueen, Thomas and Percy underwear!" My mission last night was to find them. Thankfully Target came through with all of Wyatt's request and so today we begin what I kind of call potty training. I would love to say that I want the job done in a week, but I am trying to be realistic about the time I can invest. Today two accidents happened already because I was nursing Addie. What are you going to do. I put Wyatt on the potty twice before I had to feed her and no luck! Or, as Wyatt puts it, "it's not working!" As soon as I left him unattended and off the potty while feeding Addie, it starts working! As of 1pm, we've had two accidents and two poops and one pee in the potty! Not too bad!I may be able to leave the house by February.


Hilary said...

Way to go, Wyatt! and Mom too! I'm impressed that you just bit the bullet and did it. Keep up the hard work, and yes, maybe someday we'll get out of jail free.

Heather said...

I think it was the cleaning up of diapers that were removed that inspired me. If I had to clean those, I might as well clean accidents. I don't know how quickly we'll get the hang of it though! Poops are going great...pee, we've got a ways to go.