Hope this works...I'm using the crazy mac that formats my pictures on its own. They could have a mind of their own!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
The Graduate, The Party, The Kids, The Baptism and more...
Hope this works...I'm using the crazy mac that formats my pictures on its own. They could have a mind of their own!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Tales From the P.M.
and I don't mean the night time! So the other day, my mom and sister took a walk with Wyatt and Addie down to this shopping center near our house to buy some strawberries from a local stand that sells in that center. Anyway, the stand had sold out so my sister ended up going to the grocery store to buy the berries. The plan was for me to drive down and pick every one up because it was quite a warm day out and the kids wanted to walk but probably wouldn't have made it both directions. So, I proceeded to drive down and saw my sister enter the grocery store. The produce is right up front and the self check out is also right at the entrance. So I thought it wouldn''t take much time at all so I just parked by the curb next to the parking spots right by the entrance of the store. So you may say, where is this story going? I thought nothing of my decision and put the car in park and just sort of people watched as shoppers went in and out of the store. Finally, a few minutes later my sister came out with a gasp on her face like I was a complete idiot for parking there. I was picturing her making the same decision and said she was crazy for thinking I shouldn't have parked there. To which she replied, "You're right, but not with a penis on the side of my car!" And right there I had my own moment of speechlessness that David had had earlier. I had completely forgotten about the P.M. and about fifteen people must have seen our artistic contribution as they walked out of the grocery store! Oops!
More on the P.M.
It certainly pays to have someone in the car business. My dad is having the auto body guy at the dealership where he works fix the van and he is only charging us $350 as opposed to the original $1600 quote. Thank you Lord!
More on the P.M.
It certainly pays to have someone in the car business. My dad is having the auto body guy at the dealership where he works fix the van and he is only charging us $350 as opposed to the original $1600 quote. Thank you Lord!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
New Digits
Our new contact info is listed below. I will leave the phone numbers up for a while but the address only for a few days. Our address will change in August/September as will my phone number!
Heather Cell: 314-749-1244, juelfsfam@hotmail.com
David Cell: 949-610-3977, davidj@redeemerpres.com
41573 Yankee Run Ct
Temecula,CA 92951
Heather Cell: 314-749-1244, juelfsfam@hotmail.com
David Cell: 949-610-3977, davidj@redeemerpres.com
41573 Yankee Run Ct
Temecula,CA 92951
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
My Very Bad, Not so Good Few Days
Sunday Lila was baptized. This should have been a joyous occasion, which I should clarify it really was, however it was marked with quite a few whoppers. We have an hour commute to church for these few months which is taking its toll. So, at 7:45am when David went to load the older kids in the car and he proceeded to the driver's side door, he said his mouth just dropped. It was one of the few times in his life he's been left speechless. If you know David, he always has something to say, so this was an unusual situation. But just what does one say upon noticing someone has scratched a picture of male genetalia on your car. I on the other hand had quite a few things to say about the situation! I have made the executive decesion to not post the picture for those who might be humored by it. Anyway, we only had about a minute to give it any thought before hopping in and driving the penis mobile to church for all to see. This particular commute, Addie was so fussy. I finally had had it, so I went in the way back where the older kids were seated to find that she had pooped and it was squirting out her bloomers. I yelled to David to pull over but we were right at a freeway interchange, so it took a few maneuvers to get to a roadside Denny's to clean ber. Thankfully my mom was about an hour behind us and she brought us some clothes for the poor little peach. We proceeded to church and had a beautiful baptism service for Lila followed by a lunch with all of my family celebrating Father's Day and the baptism.
So, today I proceeded to load everyone in the penis mobile to go get some estimates so we could rule out whether to involve insurance or not. I thought since it was only on one door we'd probably not reach our 500 dollar deductable. So, imagine my surprise or shock for that matter when i received word that the total cost for removal of a penis off one's side door is $1600! Yes, I thought to myself, just remember that when your young adolescent boy does something hanously stupid...other young adolescent boys have come before him! And no, unfortunately, we haven't found the lamo who did it. And yes, if and when we do, he will be quite sorry for what he did and also quite forgiven. Not to mention about $1600 poorer!
So, today I proceeded to load everyone in the penis mobile to go get some estimates so we could rule out whether to involve insurance or not. I thought since it was only on one door we'd probably not reach our 500 dollar deductable. So, imagine my surprise or shock for that matter when i received word that the total cost for removal of a penis off one's side door is $1600! Yes, I thought to myself, just remember that when your young adolescent boy does something hanously stupid...other young adolescent boys have come before him! And no, unfortunately, we haven't found the lamo who did it. And yes, if and when we do, he will be quite sorry for what he did and also quite forgiven. Not to mention about $1600 poorer!
Monday, June 09, 2008
What We've Been Up To...
Sorry for the lack of pictures! Since my computer is in storage and David has the Mac most days, I've been struggling to download my pictures on our computer and post them. So for now, I guess you just get the verbal rundown.
David-new job, ordination prep, oh, and more ordination prep!
Wyatt-growing a new hairdo (pics later), making new friends, swimming and more swimming!
Addie Grace- wearing pigtails (or pigtail for that matter), talking and MORE talking!
Lila- smiling, cooing, sleeping and MORE sleeping!
Heather- running (yipee), sleeping and MORE sleeping!
We are blessed to stay with my parents. I can't believe they haven't kicked us out yet! What a picture of grace towards another person or in our case family to allow five people into your home to invade your lives! Thanks, Mom and Dad! David is studying several days a week and in Orange County at the office the other days. The kids love our church so far. Wyatt has found a few friends that are his age and it is so great to watch them play. The two boys taught him how to play "sandwich" (two slices of bread one piece of cheese)! I'll let it remain a mystery what part of the sandwich Wyatt insisted on being! Addie truly is talking like I've never heard before. She is saying all sorts of complete sentences. She understands every word one says. Nothing gets by her. It is really fun to watch her. She is also very interested in doing things her "delf" or herself! Her independence is quite amuzing like when she refuses your offer to boost her up the stairs only to put her hand on her rear and give herself a boost. Lila is proving to be a trooper. She is the easiest baby and a gift to me! She is sleeping great too. Since about seven weeks she started sleeping between six and eight hours straight. She has even slept for nine hours too! She is flipping over which poses a few sleeping challenges, but she certainly has allowed for some longer stretches for me to sleep too! I arrived a few days before my sister's house warming party which actually turned out to be a surprise party for my 30th birthday with family! It was such a great gift to me! After celebrating my birthday in competition with finals for three years now and graduation and moving this year, it was a welcomed change! David has always made this day special in spite of the chaos of school, but it still makes for a less than desirable time to celebrate one's birthday! I even told him I was kind of depressed on my birthday because I wanted to celebrate it with family, so this truly was a surprise that was perfectly timed! My mom ordered this fabulous cake from a bakery where our wedding cake was made. It was decorated to match the invitation...too cute! The flavor...banana with tiramisu filling...I know it sounds crazy but it was delecious for dessert and breakfast the next day!
I guess that wraps up this update! Maybe next time I'll give you the pictures for all these events! I miss everyone at Gulf Drive! I've enjoyed reading about all of the babies born and babies to come!
David-new job, ordination prep, oh, and more ordination prep!
Wyatt-growing a new hairdo (pics later), making new friends, swimming and more swimming!
Addie Grace- wearing pigtails (or pigtail for that matter), talking and MORE talking!
Lila- smiling, cooing, sleeping and MORE sleeping!
Heather- running (yipee), sleeping and MORE sleeping!
We are blessed to stay with my parents. I can't believe they haven't kicked us out yet! What a picture of grace towards another person or in our case family to allow five people into your home to invade your lives! Thanks, Mom and Dad! David is studying several days a week and in Orange County at the office the other days. The kids love our church so far. Wyatt has found a few friends that are his age and it is so great to watch them play. The two boys taught him how to play "sandwich" (two slices of bread one piece of cheese)! I'll let it remain a mystery what part of the sandwich Wyatt insisted on being! Addie truly is talking like I've never heard before. She is saying all sorts of complete sentences. She understands every word one says. Nothing gets by her. It is really fun to watch her. She is also very interested in doing things her "delf" or herself! Her independence is quite amuzing like when she refuses your offer to boost her up the stairs only to put her hand on her rear and give herself a boost. Lila is proving to be a trooper. She is the easiest baby and a gift to me! She is sleeping great too. Since about seven weeks she started sleeping between six and eight hours straight. She has even slept for nine hours too! She is flipping over which poses a few sleeping challenges, but she certainly has allowed for some longer stretches for me to sleep too! I arrived a few days before my sister's house warming party which actually turned out to be a surprise party for my 30th birthday with family! It was such a great gift to me! After celebrating my birthday in competition with finals for three years now and graduation and moving this year, it was a welcomed change! David has always made this day special in spite of the chaos of school, but it still makes for a less than desirable time to celebrate one's birthday! I even told him I was kind of depressed on my birthday because I wanted to celebrate it with family, so this truly was a surprise that was perfectly timed! My mom ordered this fabulous cake from a bakery where our wedding cake was made. It was decorated to match the invitation...too cute! The flavor...banana with tiramisu filling...I know it sounds crazy but it was delecious for dessert and breakfast the next day!
I guess that wraps up this update! Maybe next time I'll give you the pictures for all these events! I miss everyone at Gulf Drive! I've enjoyed reading about all of the babies born and babies to come!
Sunday, June 01, 2008
When Your Husband Shouldn't Start a New Job as a Pastor...
another note to self...The best time for your husband to start a new job as a pastor is not when you have a nursing infant! More on this issue later but all in all our first Sunday at Redeemer was wonderful and quite welcoming. We had a great luncheon with everyone following the worship service. It is certainly exciting to embark on the post Seminary life!
Apparently not reason enough...
Here i found a new reason to blog(see below) and since then I haven't found anything to blog about. Well, I guess that isn't really true...I have too much to blog about and not enough time. I have so many pictures to post and things to write about with graduation, a new baby, my birthday, the move and David's new job! I promise i will update soon!
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