Tuesday, June 17, 2008

My Very Bad, Not so Good Few Days

Sunday Lila was baptized. This should have been a joyous occasion, which I should clarify it really was, however it was marked with quite a few whoppers. We have an hour commute to church for these few months which is taking its toll. So, at 7:45am when David went to load the older kids in the car and he proceeded to the driver's side door, he said his mouth just dropped. It was one of the few times in his life he's been left speechless. If you know David, he always has something to say, so this was an unusual situation. But just what does one say upon noticing someone has scratched a picture of male genetalia on your car. I on the other hand had quite a few things to say about the situation! I have made the executive decesion to not post the picture for those who might be humored by it. Anyway, we only had about a minute to give it any thought before hopping in and driving the penis mobile to church for all to see. This particular commute, Addie was so fussy. I finally had had it, so I went in the way back where the older kids were seated to find that she had pooped and it was squirting out her bloomers. I yelled to David to pull over but we were right at a freeway interchange, so it took a few maneuvers to get to a roadside Denny's to clean ber. Thankfully my mom was about an hour behind us and she brought us some clothes for the poor little peach. We proceeded to church and had a beautiful baptism service for Lila followed by a lunch with all of my family celebrating Father's Day and the baptism.

So, today I proceeded to load everyone in the penis mobile to go get some estimates so we could rule out whether to involve insurance or not. I thought since it was only on one door we'd probably not reach our 500 dollar deductable. So, imagine my surprise or shock for that matter when i received word that the total cost for removal of a penis off one's side door is $1600! Yes, I thought to myself, just remember that when your young adolescent boy does something hanously stupid...other young adolescent boys have come before him! And no, unfortunately, we haven't found the lamo who did it. And yes, if and when we do, he will be quite sorry for what he did and also quite forgiven. Not to mention about $1600 poorer!


Unknown said...

Can I just say that I'm sorry? And also that your portrayal of this made me laugh out loud. Twice?

Sorry... and hee hee... and sorry.

The $1600 is definitely no laughing matter. Maybe you could scratch Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man all around it? Then you'd have some fine art to tote around...

Just a thought (albeit a bad one).

Missy said...

hey heather! how funny. i haven't laughed that hard in a long time! glad y'all are doing well otherwise. posts some pics of that baby soon! :)

Hilary said...

I think I was about as speechless as David and I didn't even see it. I cannot even believe that happened to you! I'm glad your sense of humor has kicked in!