Monday, June 09, 2008

What We've Been Up To...

Sorry for the lack of pictures! Since my computer is in storage and David has the Mac most days, I've been struggling to download my pictures on our computer and post them. So for now, I guess you just get the verbal rundown.

David-new job, ordination prep, oh, and more ordination prep!
Wyatt-growing a new hairdo (pics later), making new friends, swimming and more swimming!
Addie Grace- wearing pigtails (or pigtail for that matter), talking and MORE talking!
Lila- smiling, cooing, sleeping and MORE sleeping!
Heather- running (yipee), sleeping and MORE sleeping!

We are blessed to stay with my parents. I can't believe they haven't kicked us out yet! What a picture of grace towards another person or in our case family to allow five people into your home to invade your lives! Thanks, Mom and Dad! David is studying several days a week and in Orange County at the office the other days. The kids love our church so far. Wyatt has found a few friends that are his age and it is so great to watch them play. The two boys taught him how to play "sandwich" (two slices of bread one piece of cheese)! I'll let it remain a mystery what part of the sandwich Wyatt insisted on being! Addie truly is talking like I've never heard before. She is saying all sorts of complete sentences. She understands every word one says. Nothing gets by her. It is really fun to watch her. She is also very interested in doing things her "delf" or herself! Her independence is quite amuzing like when she refuses your offer to boost her up the stairs only to put her hand on her rear and give herself a boost. Lila is proving to be a trooper. She is the easiest baby and a gift to me! She is sleeping great too. Since about seven weeks she started sleeping between six and eight hours straight. She has even slept for nine hours too! She is flipping over which poses a few sleeping challenges, but she certainly has allowed for some longer stretches for me to sleep too! I arrived a few days before my sister's house warming party which actually turned out to be a surprise party for my 30th birthday with family! It was such a great gift to me! After celebrating my birthday in competition with finals for three years now and graduation and moving this year, it was a welcomed change! David has always made this day special in spite of the chaos of school, but it still makes for a less than desirable time to celebrate one's birthday! I even told him I was kind of depressed on my birthday because I wanted to celebrate it with family, so this truly was a surprise that was perfectly timed! My mom ordered this fabulous cake from a bakery where our wedding cake was made. It was decorated to match the invitation...too cute! The flavor...banana with tiramisu filling...I know it sounds crazy but it was delecious for dessert and breakfast the next day!

I guess that wraps up this update! Maybe next time I'll give you the pictures for all these events! I miss everyone at Gulf Drive! I've enjoyed reading about all of the babies born and babies to come!


Jessie said...

Heather - sounds like everything is going great! I am so glad and happy for you guys! And Happy Birthday!

Hilary said...

I hate that I missed your call the other day...I'm dying to catch up...feel free to call this week...I'm flying solo while Michael is at RYM and would love the adult conversation. I'm so glad that life in CA is going so well. I'm sure Jack and Jeb would love to play sandwich with Wyatt too...they still talk about him all the time. I'm so glad that Lila is sleeping well for you. Although Will and Addie were betrothed, I don't know that Addie and Jeb are meant to be and Lila and Will...sounds like those are similar matchups. Funny how that goes. I can't wait to catch up. Miss you.