Sunday, June 01, 2008

When Your Husband Shouldn't Start a New Job as a Pastor...

another note to self...The best time for your husband to start a new job as a pastor is not when you have a nursing infant! More on this issue later but all in all our first Sunday at Redeemer was wonderful and quite welcoming. We had a great luncheon with everyone following the worship service. It is certainly exciting to embark on the post Seminary life!


Megan said...

I'm looking forward to hearing more about it and following you all along on your new journey!

Josh Anderson said...

Heather! I'm glad you all made it out to CA ok. We miss you, although we're gone from Gulf now too. So sad.
So, hadn't promised your planters (by your front door) to anyone, had you? They mysteriously made it into my jeep the other night and found their way to my new front porch.
Love you all!

Heather said...

I am glad you took them! I offered to someone who sounded interested but told them to take them soon or they would be thank you for making them "gone" for me so I wouldn't be fined or anything like that! I want to see pics of the new place. Josh told David the move went well and I am so glad to here it. Give the kids a hug for me!

Hilary said...

It's great to hear from you "on the other side". I can't wait to hear more about your past crazy month. Miss you and love you all.