A while back I believe I posted with the title "And so" referring to Wyatt's favorite new phrase that we weren't entirely sure about it's origins. Well, I think I found it. Last night while reading Wyatt his bible, I noticed that as a bit of a page turner this particular bible uses the phrase "and so" as it is about to lead into a new part of the story. It just so happens that this is every other page or so. Wyatt is always so interested in this bible that he must have picked up the phrase.
He has also picked up on another detail I am not really let's just say proud of. I guess proud isn't the right word. It's just that of all the things he could have been excited about in the bible, oh let's say, Christ's birth, death, and his resurrection, our place in this redemptive story...he has chosen to be most excited about Satan. What else would a two year old boy like but snakes of course! This particular bible has big illustrations, hence the title, "The Big Picture Story Bible." It tells of the actual big picture of God's redemptive plan rather than focusing on little short stories found in most children's bibles. The short stories are there but always pointing to the bigger story of redemption. It is really cool how it uses this "big picture" metaphor and includes dramatic and very large illustrations to go along with it.
So naturally the snake (Satan) is a huge snake. Wyatt loves it! He always wants to conclude the evening bible reading with a good long glance at the snake page. I suppose for now that is fine and my hopes for his love of say other more important parts of the bible, for example God redeeming His people, will come in due time.
Taylor loves her Big Picture too. But for some reason it is the babies in the story she loves the most. ;)
This Bible must be doing something right because it certainly does spark interest in children...but Jeb's interest is Jesus in his underwear--aka Jesus being whipped before his crucifixion. The things that intrigue them?!
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