So, last night I thought my world was crashing in on me. Addie was sleeping very little during the day becoming increasingly overtired and unable to sleep and Wyatt had had a bit of a rough day too. I was in tears telling David while we decided how we were going to get our daughter to sleep for longer than 20 minutes at a time. After quite some time we entered those late night hours where hunger sets in. What unhealthy snack would we choose for tonight? Well, we picked a moderately healthy snack this time. I had finally gotten Addie to quiet down in her crib and so I went to the kitchen to make some popcorn. I don't like microwavable popcorn, so I usually break out the kettle and make it over the stove. I proceeded to put the oil on and one kernel to wait for the pop in order to put the rest of the kernels in. However, not to my surprise but much to my dismay, Addie started crying and I left the stove to attend to her. I got distracted and returned to find the pot smoking. I lifted the lid and more smoke billowed out. So I decided to take the pot outside. I removed the lid once out there to let the smoke out and came inside. While trying to air the kitchen out, I noticed a bright light on our porch. I looked outside to find out the pot was on fire. Funny, huh? So I calmly said David, "the pot's on fire." He said, "Get the thingy magigger... you know the thing that puts out fire," while holding the baby. I said, "I don't think I know how to use it..." So I took the baby and he put the fire out.
We then stayed up for another hour or so putting Addie back to bed while leaving all the windows and doors open in our not entirely safe apartment in the ghetto. I went to bed around midnight while David continued to study for finals. We both woke up to Wyatt crying early in the morning and found him covered in the throwup from head to toe. He looked very ill to the point that we were a little worried. So, as if life couldn't get more complicated, all plans for the day scratched and David was off to the doctor with Wyatt. He has been diagnosed with some sort of stomach flu. Doctor's orders to be vigillent in keeping his germs from Addie. Not very easy when you are the only one at home to monitor the kids. So, David was unable to take his final and stayed home with me.
The evening was quite ironic as we look back. We both were pretty much having a break down about all of the things expected of us in the next few weeks and really couldn't see life getting any more complicated. I think we are beginning to see that we must rid ourselves of this expectation and the idea that we will be able to handle everything in our own human capacity. Oh, how every single day we are reminded that Christ must be our strength! Things could've been worse...We could have had a fire inside the apartment. Addie could have been hurt trying to put the fire out. Wyatt could've had somehting more serious...and yet they are not. We do have much to be thankful for!
Heather, I so feel for you. I know the frustration of an extremely fussy baby (just read my blog in Jan, Feb, and Mar 05--specifically posts entitled Tales of a Colicky Mom--you'll feel like a super-hero after reading the state of chaos I was in at the time. Just know that I know how you feel, and I wish I could help--and if I can let me know--but I think sometimes you're doing everything and there is nothing anyone can say or do that will make it easier or better. I'll pray that Addie's 4th trimester will end early and that she'll bless you with sleep.
I went cold turkey and we let her cry a little more than usual and after one day she seems to have developed a little bit of self soothing power. Yesterday seemed like a miracle. Thank goodness considering our little barf boy needed all the extra attention and care in our home. Hopefully, the crying may have stopped for now...just in time for all consistency to end when the grandparents arrive on Wednesday.
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