Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Oh, How different they can be...

It is not just that my son and daughter are just that...male and then female. They are remarkably different in every way. Their entrance to the world strikingly opposite. Wyatt came quickly and with great ease. Addie took two trips to the hospital in 24 hours, getting my water broken, and pitocin. She was very high maintenance. It is not that Wyatt was never fussy, but oh how Addie's fussiness differs. Wyatt had the usual episodes here and there. Addie however seems to be as the doctor told me yesterday..."a miserable baby." Just what any mother wants to hear. Yesterday, I had to excuse myself after 30 minutes from a baby shower when the celebration of this new life to come was rudely interrupted by yours truly screaming nonstop. And there is the messy work. Wyatt never once spit up or had diaper rash in his first year of life. Addie has blisters on her bum and projectile vomits regularly. The only thing the two have in common is their looks, their dislike of the carseat, and two parents who will love them despite their difficulties!

1 comment:

Hilary said...

That's sweet that you already can see such differences between your kids. I'm sad to hear that Addie has been fussy. I do hope that it is just a phase...as I know just how exhausting that can be. Know that we are always right next door if you need anything!