So, David and I have discovered a new obsession. We have recently become quite addicted to the new TV show "Heroes."
http://www.nbc.com/Heroes/ We have not been followers from the beginning. In fact, we just started to watch it last week. Episode 11 was on and it seemed kind of interesting. During one of the commercials, they said the previous episodes were available on line. So, we stopped watching Episode 11 on TV and started watching Episode 1 on the computer. I was always a little curious what "save the cheerleader, save the world" meant, but after the first episode I was thoroughly taken in. It has been less than a week and David and I are almost to Episode 11. We have come to enjoy our late night "Heroes" sessions during Addie's bouts of fussiness as we take turns bouncing her around and shushing. The show is fascinating and has prompted us to ponder what we would like our superpower to be. David is able to come up with a new superpower that he would like just about every day. For me, on the other hand, I haven't really been able to come up with one. Maybe it's because I know this world doesn't work that way and I don't have the imagination of my husband who loves role playing, fantasy books and movies like "The Lord of the Rings."Somehow, he can let himself dive in to their world for a short while which gives him quite the capacity to imagine himself with all sorts of superpowers. David thought maybe my lack of superpower desire means I am really content with myself. Let me think about that...NO! That can't be the answer as I am definitely not what I desire to be in the motherhood and wife categories. However, I still couldn't come up with a superpower. So, I remained a boring, unimaginative realist. That is until I had my moment this afternoon. I have discovered my deep down desire for a superpower. As I have daily struggled with feeling like the failure mother of the year, it came to me that so many of my problems would be solved if I got a little more sleep...so what I really need is the power to not need sleep. I could definitely save the world if I never got tired! Or, maybe just save my household. Until I am granted my superpower wish, I suppose my only hope must remain in Christ saving me and my household. This seems like a much better alternative to fake superpowers!
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